What is the best way to start looking at stars and other things in the sky?

The best way to start looking at the night sky is to put on nice warm clothes, go to a dark place with a sleeping pad, and then lie down comfortably and look up at the sky. If you have good binoculars, you can try using them.

The best binoculars to use are low magnification wide angle binoculars, they are available with 2x magnification at around 40mm. lenses. 

If you are looking for shooting stars, you don't have to use binoculars, just your eyes. You can read more about watching meteors here: https://darkskymoen.dk/en/node/160

It is important to give the eyes time to get used to the dark. If you just have looked into a phone, or come straight from a lighted place, it takes up to half an hour for your eyes to get used to the darkness again.

If you must use a lamp, you must not use one with white light. Red light is better for preserving night vision. If you don't have a special red light, a bicycle rear light is just as good.

You can read much more about seeing and enjoying the night sky here: https://darkskymoen.dk/en/node/228