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Dark Sky Møn Guide
Discover Your Universe
Dark Sky Experience
About our guided tours
Mail Service
Upcoming celestial events
Photo workshops
Make photos of the stars
Duration and pricing
Nature tours
Dark Sky Camp
Live darkness measurements from Møn
Weather Forecast
Star Maps
Moon Calendar
Meteor showers
Light Pollution
Questions and answers
Dark Sky Brochures
News from Dark Sky Park Møn & Nyord
News from Dark Sky Park Møn & Nyord
Examples of light pollution - Glas Mads and Mønshallerne
Real Time SQM darkness measurements from Møn
Dark Sky News
About Light Pollution
What is a Dark Sky Park?
What are the benefits of reducing light pollution?
Star Map for November
Holiday home on Møn
August Star Map
September Star Map
October Star Map
Moon Atlas
Dark Sky Parks in Denmark
Meteor showers
Star Maps and current information
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Light Pollution – The Dark Side of Urbanisation
Moon Calendar
Fanefjord Church with the Milky Way
Exploring Dark Sky Tourism in Denmark
Full Moon Calendar for 2024
The Planets
Tools for observing the night sky
Dark Sky Park Møn and Nyord
Unveiling the Beauty of the Dark Sky: A Stargazer's Guide
The night sky in December
The Lunar Calendar: Learn About the Moon
Is there a possibility to see the Northern lights on Møn?
What is the cost of the tour and what does it include?
Can a tour be booked in advance or is it totally weather dependent?
Can the tour be done in one day? Or would it be best to stay in Møn?
Do you offer transportation from Copenhagen?
Is light pollution getting worse?
How do you get started looking at the night sky?
How do you take pictures of the stars?
When can we see shooting stars or meteors?
How dark is it on Møn?
When can you see Orion in Denmark?
What is the name of the brightest star in the night sky?
When is the best time to see the Milky Way in Denmark?
Where in Denmark can you see the Milky Way?
Where in Denmark is there the least light pollution?
Where is the best place to see stars in Denmark?
When is the best time to visit Dark Sky Park Møn?
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