The Planets

The planets are a group of celestial bodies that orbit stars, and in our solar system, they orbit the Sun. There are eight recognized planets in our solar system, categorized into two main groups: the inner rocky planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars) and the outer gas giant planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune). Here is some information about each of the planets:

Inner Rocky Planets

Closest to the Sun, Mercury is a small and rocky planet with extreme temperature variations between its day and night sides. It has little to no atmosphere.

Tools for observing the night sky

Observing the night sky can be a rewarding and awe-inspiring experience, and there are various tools available to enhance and facilitate this activity. Here are some common tools used by astronomers and stargazers for observing the night sky:

Naked Eye

The most basic tool for observing the night sky is the naked eye. Many celestial objects, including stars, planets, and the Moon, can be observed without the need for any equipment.

Dark Sky Park Møn and Nyord

Møn and Nyord have exceptional night time darkness and low levels of light pollution. The islands have been awarded the IDA recognition as both an International Dark Sky Community and an International Dark Sky Park. This results in better protection of current nighttime conditions in both the developed and wilderness areas of both islands.